
My name is Andrew Chen. I hope that it's nice to meet you!
This website is now just a way for me to keep track of the public-facing work I've done, and is a classic example of technical debt where the website I built in 2015 is now structurally flawed. So therefore, this website is not really designed for you, but you're welcome to look at it anyway.

- Chief Advisor: Technology Assurance with NZ Police.
- Adjunct Senior Research Fellow with Koi Tū - the Centre for Informed Futures at the Unviersity of Auckland in digital technology ethics.
- Member (former Chair) of the Return on Science Digital Technologies Investment Committee, and a member of the Wellington Momentum Investment Committee.
- Board Director for several early-stage deep tech start-ups including Opo Bio, Captivate Technology, Advemto, and Ampersand Technologies.
- Involved in science communication (via Koi Tū) to help the public understand the impacts of technology, and help other researchers also spread the word.
- Generally available for consulting work related to practical applications of artificial intelligence and digital strategy, as well as privacy and ethics. I also do talks!

- My PhD Thesis, "The Computers Have a Thousand Eyes: Towards a Practical and Ethical Video Analytics System for Person Tracking", is available online!
[It won a Best Doctoral Thesis prize from the University of Auckland, so it probably wasn't that bad.]
- Speaks proficiently in English, Mandarin, Python, VHDL, C, C++, SQL, MATLAB, HTML+CSS, passably in Java, Verilog, R, Javascript, ROS, and poorly in French.
- Knowledgeable on Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence + Machine Learning, Embedded Systems + Hardware/Software Co-design, and Robotics.

- (Used to) make data visualisations, analyse politics, and write about chips.
- Interested in entrepreneurship and innovation policy, advises early-stage start-ups, and has founded two education businesses.
- Dabbles in the occasional game of chess (mostly online), and also a board game enthusiast! Currently very keen on the 18xx series of train games.
- Also, I like cats =^_^= I thought I was allergic but we adopted a black and white shorthair and everything seems fine so far!

PhD in Computer Systems Engineering (University of Auckland, Aug 2015 - Jan 2019)
Certificate of Proficiency in Te Kakano Māori Language 1 with an A+ (Auckland University of Technology, 2018)
PGCertCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship) (University of Auckland, 2015)
BE(Hons)/BCom Conjoint specialising in Computer Systems Engineering (First Class Honours),
                majoring in Marketing and Innovation and Entrepreneurship (University of Auckland, 2010-2014)
International Baccaleaureate Diploma, scoring 40/45 (in the top 10% of candidates around the world) (Kristin School, 2008-2009)
- R Sterling, T Kukutai, T Chambers, ATY Chen, "A Māori Data Governance Assessment of the NZ Covid Tracer App", Discover Social Science and Health, 2024.
Full Text: SpringerNature (Open Access)

- T Chambers, A Anglemyer, ATY Chen, J Atkinson, P Elers, M Baker, "An evaluation of the population uptake and contact tracer utilisation of the Covid-19 Bluetooth Exposure Notification Framework in New Zealand", Under Review, 2024.

- T Chambers, A Anglemyer, ATY Chen, J Atkinson, M Baker, "Population and contact tracer uptake of New Zealand’s QR-code-based digital contact tracing app for Covid-19", Epidemiology and Infection, 152:e66, 2024.
Full Text: Cambridge University Press (Open Access)

- T Chambers, A Anglemyer, ATY Chen, M Baker, "An evaluation of the COVID-19 self-service digital contact tracing system in New Zealand", Health Policy, 105073, 2024.
Full Text: Elsevier (Open Access)

- B Blackmore, M Thorp, ATY Chen, F Morreale, B Burmester, E Bahmanteymouri, M Bartlett, "Hidden Humans: Exploring Perceptions of User-Work and Training Artificial Intelligence in Aotearoa New Zealand", Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online (to be assigned), 2023.
Full Text: Taylor & Francis (Open Access)

- F Morreale, E Bahmanteymouri, B Burmester, A Chen, M Thorp, "The Unwitting Labourer: Extracting Humanness in AI Training", AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication (to be assigned), 2023.
Full Text: Springer (Open Access) | RNZ | Newsroom article by Fabio Morreale

- ATY Chen, "The Algorithm Charter", chapter in More Zeros and Ones: Digital Technology, Maintenance, and Equity in Aotearoa New Zealand (ed Anna Pendergrast and Kelly Pendergrast), Bridget Williams Books, 2022.
More Info: BWB

- P Gluckman, A Bardsley, P Spoonley, C Royal, N Simon-Kumar, A Chen, "Sustaining Aotearoa New Zealand as a Cohesive Society", Koi Tū Report, 2021.
Full Text: Koi Tū

- A Bardsley, A Chen, R Owens, P Gluckman, P Spoonley, "Societal Resilience and Cohesion: Identifying Contribution Factors and their Interactions", INGSA Report, 2021.

- ATY Chen, K Thio, "Exploring the Drivers and Barriers to Uptake for Digital Contact Tracing", Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 4(1), 100212, 2021.
Preprint: arXiV | Full Text: Elsevier

- ATY Chen (ed), "Shouting Zeros and Ones: Digital Technology, Ethics, and Policy in New Zealand", Bridget Williams Books, 2020.
More Info: BWB

- K Allen, T Buklijas, A Chen, N Simon-Kumar, L Cowen, J Wilsdon, P Gluckman, "Tracking global knowledge-to-policy pathways in the coronavirus crisis: A preliminary report from ongoing research", INGSA Report, 2020.
Full Text: INGSA

- ATY Chen, "How Fragmentation Can Undermine the Public Health Response to COVID-19", ACM Interactions, 28(2), pp 64-69, 2021.
Preprint: arXiV | Full Text: ACM Interactions Blogs | Full Text: ACM Interactions Magazine (PDF)

- M Kaiser, ATY Chen, P Gluckman, "Should policy makers trust composite indices? A commentary on the pitfalls of inappropriate indices for policy formation", Health Research Policy and Systems, 2020.
Preprint: arXiv | Full Text: BMC Health Research Policy and Systems (Open Access)

- ATY Chen, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, "Fusing Appearance and Spatio-temporal Models for Person Re-identification and Tracking", Journal of Imaging, 6(5), #27, 2020.
Full Text: MDPI (Open Access)

- ATY Chen, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, "Investigating Fast Re-identification for Multi-camera Indoor Person Tracking", Computers and Electrical Engineering, 77, pp 273-288, 2019.
Full Text: Elsevier

- ATY Chen, KIK Wang, "Robust Computer Vision Chess Analysis and Interaction with a Humanoid Robot", Computers, 8(1), #14, 2019.
Full Text: MDPI (Open Access)

- ATY Chen, R Gupta, A Borzenko, KIK Wang, M Biglari-Abhari, "Accelerating SuperBE with Hardware/Software Co-design", Journal of Imaging, 4(10), #122, 2018.
Full Text: MDPI (Open Access)

- ATY Chen, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, "Context is King: Privacy Perceptions of Camera-based Surveillance", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), 2018.
Full Text: IEEEXplore | Presentation: Poster

- ATY Chen, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, "Fast One-Shot Learning for Identity Classification in Person Re-identification", IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics, and Vision (ICARCV), pp 1197-1203, 2018.
Full Text: IEEEXplore | Presentation: Slides

- ATY Chen, B Tan, KIK Wang, "Mind the Gap: Insights into Student Perceptions During Peer Assessment of Writing", IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), 2018.
Awarded Outstanding Paper (finalist three papers after Best Paper) | Full Text: IEEEXplore | Presentation: Slides

- ATY Chen, S Woodward, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, "Public Perceptions of Privacy in Surveillance Camera Networks", Journalism, Media and Democracy Conference (JMAD), 2018.
Abstract: PDF

- T Sherwin, M Easte, ATY Chen, KIK Wang, W Dai, "A Single RF Emitter-based Indoor Navigation Method for Autonomous Service Robots", Sensors, 18(2), #585, 2018.
Full Text: MDPI (Open Access)

- ATY Chen, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, "SuperBE: Computationally-Light Background Estimation with Superpixels", Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (JRTIP), 16(6), pp 2319-2335, 2019 (originally published online 2018).
Full Text: Springer + Springer SharedIt (Free Access)

- Z Salcic, UD Atmojo, HJ Park, ATY Chen, KIK Wang, "Designing Dynamic and Collaborative Automation and Robotics Software Systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), 15(1), pp 540-549, 2018.
Full Text: IEEExplore

- ATY Chen, J Fan, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, "A Computationally Efficient Pipeline for Camera-based Indoor Person Tracking", IEEE Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), 2017.
Awarded Best Paper (based on reviewer scores) and Best Presentation (awarded to top three) | Full Text: IEEExplore | Presentation: Slides

- ATY Chen, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, "Trusting the Computer in Computer Vision: A Privacy-Affirming Framework", Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Workshop on The Bright and Dark Sides of Computer Vision: Challenges and Opportunities for Privacy and Security (CV-COPS), pp 56-63, 2017.
Full Text: CVF Open Access + IEEExplore | Presentation: Poster + Slides

- ATY Chen, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, A Bouzerdoum, FHC Tivive, "Convolutional Neural Network Acceleration with Hardware/Software Co-design", Applied Intelligence, 48(5), pp 1288-1301, 2018.
Full Text: Springer + Springer SharedIt (Free Access)

- Z Salcic, UD Atmojo, HJ Park, ATY Chen, KIK Wang, "A Framework for Designing Dynamic and Interoperable Automation and Robotics Systems", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), pp 683-686, 2017.
Full Text: IEEEXplore

- ATY Chen, "The Language of Immigration" in "Fair Borders? Migration Policy in the Twenty-First Century" edited by David Hall, Bridget Williams Books, 2017.
More Info: BWB

- ATY Chen, KIK Wang, "Computer Vision Based Chess Playing Capabilities for the Baxter Humanoid Robot", IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), pp 11-14, 2016.
Awarded Best Paper in the Robotics session | Full Text: IEEExplore | Presentation: Slides | Video: Youtube

- ATY Chen, M Biglari-Abhari, KIK Wang, A Bouzerdoum, FHC Tivive, "Hardware/Software Co-design for a Gender Recognition Embedded System", International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE), pp 541-552, 2016.
Full Text: Springer LNAI | Presentation: Slides

- ATY Chen, "UN Youth New Zealand: Civics Education Outside the Traditional Classroom Context", set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, pp 61-63, 2016.
Full Text: NZCER | More Info: UN Youth New Zealand
- Emerging Innovator Mentor, KiwiNet, 2023-
- Venture Partner, Matū, 2019-2023
- Digital Technologies/ICT Investment Committee Member, ReturnOnScience, 2017- [Chair July 2019-December 2023]
- Wellington Investment Committee Member, Momentum, 2023-
- Auckland Investment Committee Member, Momentum, 2017-2022
- Perovskite Ventures, Founding Investor, 2020-
- Chairperson, Ampersand Technologies, 2021-
- Chairperson (until March 2023) and Director, Advemto, 2022-
- Chairperson, Opo Bio Aotearoa, 2022-
- Chairperson, Captivate Technologies, 2023-
- Board Observer, PowerON, 2020-2023
- Board Observer, HTS-110, 2021-2023
- Board Observer, RosterLab, 2021-2023
- Board Observer, Alimetry, 2021
- Mentor, University of Auckland SummerLab, 2020-2022
- Mentor, Hack the Crisis NZ, 2020
- Coach, HealthTech Supernode Challenge, 2020
- Chief Technology Officer, MindsForMinds, 2015-2018
- Founder and Co-ordinator/CEO, ICanB Tutoring, 2010-2013
PANEL: Manawatū Momentum Showcase, 2024.
TALK: Social Media for Researchers, Science Media Centre Webinar (x2), 2024.
ARTICLE: One weird trick to solve cap table ESOP calculations, MCDP, 2024.
COMMENT: Crowdstrike Outage, RNZ, 2024.
COMMENT: Notetaking and Virtual Avatars in Meetings, RNZ Morning Report, 2024.
TALK: Facial Recognition and NZ Police, NZ Council for Civil Liberties, 2024.
COMMENT: Employee Surveillance, Sunday Star Times, 2024.
TALK: Down the Rabbit Hole - What is Misinformation and how to Tackle It, Adult and Continuing Education NZ Conference, 2024.
WORKSHOP: Artificial Intelligence and Research Commercialisation, Kiwinet, 2024.
TALK: Algorithm Charter Community of Practice Presentation, data.govt.nz, 2024.
COMMENT: Joining NZ Police, NZ Herald, 2024.
ARTICLE: New Zealand Start-up Valuations Are Too Low. We Should Fix That. MCDP, interest.co.nz, BusinessDesk, NBR, 2024.
COMMENT: One year of ChatGPT, Idealog, 2023.
COMMENT: AI Safety Summit, Science Media Centre, 2023.
COMMENT: Location tracking in relationships, NZ Herald, 2023.
TALK: Ecosystem Perspectives and Term Sheet Case Workshop, Nexus Conference, 2023.
COMMENT: My marriage proposal story? RNZ The Panel, 2023.
PANEL: Unite minds through interdisciplinary sciences, Wellington Chiasma Synapse, 2023.
TALK: Privacy and Robotics, COMPSYS730 Guest Lecture, University of Auckland, 2023.
COMMENT: The end of NZ COVID Tracer, RNZ The Panel, 2023.
COMMENT: Geoblocking Online Gambling, Stuff, 2023.
PANEL: Startup Investors Unleashed: Peek Behind the Curtain, Slush'd Wellington, 2023.
COMMENT: Instagram Dark Patterns, The Spinoff, 2023.
PANEL: Massey University Grand Ideas Challenge Finals, 2023.
ARTICLE: Pitching in the shoes of the investor, Matū, UoA Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2023.
COMMENT: Notification of Indirect Collection of Data, Newsroom, 2023.
ARTICLE: Don't judge a cap table by the Companies Office, Matū, 2023.
PODCAST: Venture Capital in NZ, Business Podcast with Roohi, 2023.
TALK: Social Media for Researchers, Science Media Centre SAVVY course, 2023.
TALK: Introduction to Term Sheets, Matū and selected TTOs, 2023.
COMMENT: Grammarly and AI tools in university classes, The Post, 2023.
PANEL: Chiasma Manawatū Launch, 2023.
COMMENT: Giant Neanderthal AI-generated Image, Reuters, 2023.
TALK: Changing Laws, GLOBAL700 Guest Lecture, University of Auckland, 2023.
PANEL: The Early-Stage Start-up Ecosystem, TIN Report Launch, 2023.
TALK: Data Privacy, Part IV Capstone Project, ECSE Dept, University of Auckland, 2023.
TALK: On the Frontier: Contemporary Issues in Artificial Intelligence and Privacy, a talk with Allyn Robins (Brainbox Institute), Office of the Privacy Commissioner's Privacy Week, YouTube, RNZ Morning Report, 2023.
COMMENT: Online scams, Stuff, 2023.
COMMENT: Are our phones listeing to us? Stuff, 2023.
COMMENT: Donald Trump AI-generated Image, Reuters, 2023.
COMMENT: Matū Iramoe Capital Raise, Newsroom, 2023.
COMMENT: AI Open Letter, Newshub, 2023.
PODCAST: Deep Tech Investment and Matū, The Spinoff's Business is Boring podcast, 2023.
ARTICLE: Orange Juice, The Spinoff, 2023.
COMMENT: Social Media Algorithms, Newshub, 2023.

COMMENT: Navigating the Crisis: How Governments used Intelligence for Decision-Making During the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Public Policy Observatory, 2022.
COMMENT: "Paint by Numbers", an article on data profiling, Consumer NZ, December 2022.
COMMENT: Generative AI and Impacts, TVNZ One News, RNZ The Detail, Newshub, Stuff 2022-2023.
COMMENT: UniNews Profile, University of Auckland, 2022.
COMMENT: Deepfakes and Generative Media, Newshub Nation, 2022.
ARTICLE: Reflections on Deep Tech in Aotearoa New Zealand, Matū, 2022.
TALK: Social Media for Researchers, Science Media Centre SAVVY course, 2022.
SUBMISSION: OPC Biometrics Regulation, Submission, 2022.
SUBMISSION: MOJ Notification Rules for Third-Party Personal Information Transfers, Submission, Newsroom, Twitter, 2022.
SUBMISSION: Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill, Koi Tū Submission, 2022.
COMMENT: Christchurch Call and Social Media Research, RNZ Morning Report, 2022.
SUBMISSION: MFAT Proposals to Enhance Export Controls, Submission, 2022.
COMMENT: Countdown trialling Bodycams, RNZ The Panel, 2022.
COMMENT: Voluntary Internet Filter for Extermist Content, Newsroom, 2022.
COMMENT: Waka Kotahi Smart Camera Trials, Newsroom, 2022.
COMMENT: The Second Layer of the Internet, The Spinoff, 2022.
SUBMISSION: Oral submission to the Petitions Committee on the Petition to Act Now on Killer Robots, 2022.
COMMENT: Publicly-owned CCTV cameras, RNZ, NZ Herald, 2022.
COMMENT: Wordle??, Buzzfeed News, NZ Herald, Newstalk ZB, CNN International, 2022.

EVERYTHING: Digital Contact Tracing, Recordkeeping, Vaccination Certificates, and COVID-19, Koi Tū - the Centre for Informed Futures, 2020-2022
 - The Trade-offs for Digital Data and Contact Tracing
 - Hard Decisions in Digital Contact Tracing
 - Digital Giants Enter Digital Contact Tracing
 - On Fragmentation of Digital Contact Tracing Registers
 - Invited Talk: Tech for Contact Tracing (with Dr Ayesha Verall and Dr Susan Jack), Otago Global Health Institute Covid-19 Masterclass [Recording]
 - Public Lecture: Digital Technology for Contact Tracing, Koi Tū [Slides, Recording]
 - Lecture for LAWS442 (Special Topic: Covid-19 and the Law) at Victoria University of Wellington
 - An open letter about legislative protections for NZ COVID Tracer app data
 - An article reflecting on the one year anniversary of the NZ COVID Tracer app published on Newsroom
 - A panel on Privacy and COVID-19 for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner's 2021 Privacy Forum (Video on YouTube)
 - Surveillance and Privacy during COVID-19 and the Next Normal (YouTube), Singapore Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS).
 - A keynote presentation at the Records and Information Management Professionals Association "Building Trust" conference
 - A presentation at the Workshop on Proximity and Location Data, hosted by the EU-funded PANELFIT project
 - A second open letter about legislative protections for contact tracing (including NZ COVID Tracer app) data
 - On Mandatory Recordkeeping for Contact Tracing reacting to an announced policy change
 - What's Wrong with Bluetooth Tracing? investigating a lack of usage of BT during the delta outbreak
 - A third open letter signed by over a hundred academics and civil society organisations calling for legislative protections for contact tracing records, which led to legislative changes to make it an offence to collect, use, or disclose contact tracing data for any purpose other than contact tracing.
 - Presentations to the University of the Third Age, the Open Source Hub, the Wellington Privacy Officers Round Table, and the South Island Privacy Network.
 - Media (in approx. chronological order): NZ Herald, RNZ Morning Report and RNZ Article, Stuff, Newsroom, Magic Talk Radio, InternetNZ panel, Newsroom, article written for The Spinoff, RNZ Nine to Noon, Newsroom, The Spinoff, Stuff, Stuff, Newsroom, The Spinoff, RNZ The Panel, RNZ Nine to Noon, The Detail, The Project, Stuff, The Spinoff, Wired UK, Stuff, The Correspondent, Stuff, Newsroom, Newsroom, Stuff, iStart, Koi Tū, NZ Herald, RNZ Lately, NZ Herald, Newsroom, NZ Herald, Newsroom, RNZ Lately, RNZ Lately, Science Media Centre, The Spinoff, Science Media Centre, RNZ The Panel, NZ Herald, Stuff, RNZ Lately, Newsroom, RNZ Lately, NZ Herald, Newstalk ZB, RNZ The Panel, RNZ Lately, NZ Herald, Science Media Centre, NZ Herald, Newstalk ZB Bulletin, Newsroom, Newstalk ZB, RNZ Morning Report, RNZ, RNZ, NewstalkZB Bulletin, RNZ Lately, The Guardian, Stuff, RNZ Lately, RNZ, RNZ Bulletin, Newstalk ZB, Stuff, TVNZ, The Spinoff Bulletin, North and South (Closed by Damian Christie), Science Media Centre, RNZ Midday Report, Newshub, NZ Herald, RNZ Lately, NZ Herald, NZ Herald, TVNZ, RNZ, Otago Daily Times, NewstalkZB, NZ Herald, NZ Herald, BusinessDesk, The Spinoff, Magic Talk Radio, ACT Party, NZ Herald, Stuff, BusinessDesk, Newstalk ZB Bulletin, NZ Herald, Stuff, Science Media Centre, Newshub, Otago Daily Times, RNZ, NZ Herald, RNZ Nights, NZ Herald, NewstalkZB, Newstalk ZB, RNZ Checkpoint, NZ Herald, NZ Herald, Newsroom, NZ Herald, NewstalkZB, NZ Herald, NZ Herald, TVNZ Q&A, BusinessDesk, iStart, Bay of Plenty Times, NZ Herald, RNZ The Panel, Bay of Plenty Times, NZ Herald, iStart, Science Media Centre, The Spinoff, Stuff, RNZ Midday Report, RNZ Checkpoint, RNZ Morning Report followed by Min Chris Hipkins, Newsroom, RNZ, NZ Herald, RNZ, Stuff Explainer, Stuff, NZ Herald, NZ Herald, NZ Herald, Science Media Centre, NZ Herald, RNZ Morning Report, Newshub, RNZ, China Daily, Science Media Centre, NZ Herald, RNZ The Panel, NZ Herald, Newshub, article written for The Spinoff, TVNZ, NZ Herald, Newshub, Stuff, article written for The Conversation, Newshub, BusinessDesk, NZ Herald, Stuff, BusinessDesk, RNZ Midday Report, Science Media Centre, NZ Herald, Stuff, TVNZ, NZ Herald, RNZ Lately, Newstalk ZB, Stuff, RNZ Morning Report, NZ Herald, Newshub, Newshub, NZ Herald, RNZ Lately, Science Media Centre, article written for The Conversation, Scoop, RNZ, RNZ The Panel, Newshub Radio, Stuff, Westport Times, Newshub, Seven Sharp, Stuff, Stuff, One News, TVNZ Breakfast (Mon 23 Aug 2021), Science Media Centre, Newshub, The Guardian, The Spinoff, The ASEAN Post, Newsroom, Newshub, Scoop, Stuff, 95bFM, Legal Lowdown on the Lockdown Podcast, NZ Herald, AsiaPacific Infrastructure, NZ Herald, Stuff, Industrial Safety News, Newsroom, The Spinoff, NZ Herald, Stuff, One News, RNZ, BusinessDesk, Stuff, NZ Council for Civil Liberties, 1of200 Podcast, NZ Herald, NZ Herald, Newsroom, Privacy Foundation, RNZ Nine to Noon, Newshub, article written for The Conversation, SciBlogs, Stuff, The Spinoff, Otago Daily Times, RNZ Morning Report, Stuff, RNZ Morning Report, RNZ Morning Report, TVNZ, NZ Herald, TVNZ Q+A, RNZ Nine to Noon, Consumer NZ, Māori TV, Newsroom, 1of200 Podcast, Stuff, SkyKiwi, Science Media Centre, Stuff, Stuff, Stuff, RNZ, Stuff, Newstalk ZB, Science Media Centre, RNZ The Panel, Newshub, Stuff, RNZ, The Spinoff, TVNZ Breakfast (6 October 2021), RNZ Morning Report, Otago Daily Times, Newshub, Stuff, RNZ, SkyKiwi, NZ Herald, One News (11 October 2021), 95bFM, Newsroom, Stuff, Stuff, Science Media Centre, Stuff, NewstalkZB, Science Media Centre, Newshub Radio (27 October 2021), Stuff, The Spinoff, RNZ The Panel, Science Media Centre, NZ Herald, Stuff, The Spinoff, Stuff, Stuff, Industrial Safety News, Stuff, NZ Herald, Stuff, Stuff, NZ Herald, Stuff, RNZ First Up, Science Media Centre, Stuff, RNZ, Newshub, RNZ Nine to Noon, Stuff, Newstalk ZB (18 November 2021), Magic Talk, BusinessDesk, Newshub, TVNZ Breakfast (18 November 2021), Indian Weekender, 95bFM, Stuff, RNZ Midday Report, Newstalk ZB, One News, One News, Newsroom, Health Informatics NZ, RNZ, Tikanga in Technology, Newsroom, Stuff, article written for The Conversation, Stuff, Te Hiku Radio, Newshub, RNZ, Stuff, NZ Herald, The Spinoff, NZ Herald, Newsroom, Science Media Centre, Newsroom, Stuff, Stuff, NewstalkZB, RNZ The Panel, Newstalk ZB, Newstalk ZB, RNZ Morning Report, Newstalk ZB, RNZ Bulletin, RNZ, Newshub, Science Media Centre, BusinessDesk, NZ Herald, Science Media Centre, RNZ Morning Report, Mediaworks News, RNZ First Up, Science Media Centre, NZ Herald, Magic Talk Radio, Stuff, NZ Herald, Newstalk ZB, 95bFM, Stuff, Bay of Plenty Times, The Spinoff, RNZ The Panel, Newshub, Science Media Centre, BusinessDesk, Science Media Centre, NZ Herald, RNZ, The Spinoff, NZ Doctor, article written for Newsroom, TVNZ, RNZ, Newshub, NZ Herald, Stuff

COMMENT: Video Holes, Stuff, 2021.
COMMENT: Prime Minister Deepfake, NZ Herald, 2021.
REPORT: Facial Recognition Technology: Considerations for use in Policing, publication of a report by A/Prof Nessa Lynch and me, Scoop, COMMENT: Amnesty International, Radio New Zealand, Biometric Update, 2021.
COMMENT: Privacy and Surveillance, Stuff, Stuff (shorter version), October 2021.
COMMENT: Facebook rebranding to Meta and shutting down facial recognition, Stuff, 95bFM, 2021.
COMMENT: Our Changing World - These Data Days, The Details Behind the Data, RNZ Podcast, October 2021.
PANEL: University of Auckland's Aotearoa Future Shapers series, on Artificial Insights: big data for a Covid world, September 2021.
TALK: Digital Technology and Risk in the Public Sector, NUS Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk, 2021.
TALK: Dialogue on Autonomous Weapons and Human Control, Parliament, August 2021. [Speech]
A Twitter thread on personal information held by political parties, using the Privacy Act to request that information, and then filing complaints when that information has not been provided, initiated because of this Stuff article about the Labour Connect system, 2020-2021.
PODCAST: Interview with Marietje Schaake on Digital Trade, Cyber Policy & Regulating the Tech Giants, INGSA Horizon Series, 2021.
COMMENT: PatronCheck in Bars, RNZ Midday Report, RNZ, 2021.
COMMENT: NZ's Cybersecurity Resilience, Newsroom, 2021.
ARTICLE: Portfolio Management: Learning from Experienced Investors, NZ Entrepreneur, 2021.
COMMENT: NZ Police Facial Recognition Technology Review, Police Press Release, TVNZ, RNZ, 2021.
SUBMISSION: Written and Oral Submissions to the Governance and Administration Select Committee on the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill, Newsroom, 2021. The controversial internet filter aspects of the Bill were later removed as a result of submissions [Select Committee Report], and improvements made with specific reference to my submissions [DIA Report].
PODCAST: The Facebook Algorithm as a (Funhouse) Mirror, Newsroom, RNZ The Detail, 2021.
ARTICLE: Exploring the Drivers and Barriers to Uptake for Digital Contact Tracing, University of Auckland Pandemics Hub, 2021.

BOOK: Editor of Shouting Zeros and Ones: Digital Technology, Ethics, and Policy in New Zealand, BWB Texts, 2020.
 - On the internet, freedom for some never means freedom for all, an excerpt from Kathy Errington and Anjum Rahman's chapter on Reducing Online Harm
 - Techweek panel, moderated by Dr. David Hall and featuring Anjum Rahman, Kathy Errington, Donna Cormack, and Curtis Barnes on their chapters about reducing online harm, Māori data sovereignty, and disinformation
 - NZ a likely target for foreign interference ahead of election, an interview between Curtis Barnes and Jack Tame on Q + A
 - Q&A: Do we need a minister for misinformation?, an interview between Jamie Morton and me in the NZ Herald
 - Online voting pros and cons, an interview between Stephen Judd and Kathryn Ryan on RNZ Nine to Noon
 - Anderson's Odyssey #15, a podcast recording with Jacob Anderson and me
 - Vic Books for Breakfast (13 August), on RadioActive FM (Wellington)
 - A short review by Sarah Putt at ComputerWorld
 - A short summary written by me for Tohatoha
 - Puppetmasters or automata, a short review by Ben Reid at Memia
 - 'Download the app, then use it’ leaves too many of us out of contact tracing efforts, an article by Anna and Kelly Pendergrast on digital inclusion and digital contact tracing for The Spinoff
 - Whose data is it anyway?, on data colonialism and data sovereignty by Tahu Kukutai, Donna Cormack, and Chris Cormack for The Spinoff Ātea
 - What Tino Rangatiratanga Means in a Digital World, including a panel discussion alongside co-authors Caleb Moses and Anjum Rahman for Newsroom
 - Online privacy: are we worried about the wrong things?, an article by Hadyn Green for Consumer magazine
 - Personal Data the new oil, an article by Farah Hancock in Newsroom about data privacy and consumer rights
 - Can we fight online fascism like we fought Covid-19?, featuring a discussion between Serena Chen and Marc Daalder for Newsroom
 - A Facebook election fought on feelings, not facts, an op-ed by Kathy Errington for the Sunday Star Times
 - Sovereignty in a digital world Part 2 and Part 3, including comment from Caleb Moses and Tahu Kukutai for Newsroom
 - Netsafe fake news campaign sponsored by Facebook like 'taking money from the devil to warn people about the devil', including comment from me for Stuff/Sunday Star Times
 - Online voting isn't the be-all and end-all, an extract from Stephen Judd's chapter for Stuff and the Dominion Post
 - Shouting Zeros & Ones Book Club at NetHui 2020, with a series of author videos and a Q+A session
 - A book review by Terence Eden
 - A talk at StatsNZ with Briony Blackmore, Caleb Moses, and Anna Pendergrast
 - A review by Peter Hassan for Tui Motu magazine

COMMENT: Facial Recognition Technologies Ethical and Legal Framework Report, RNZ, Bay of Plenty Times, 2020.
ARTICLE: Police Stocktake of Use of Emerging Technologies, RNZ, article written with Kristiann Allen for The Spinoff, RNZ, 2020-2021.
COMMENT: NVIDIA's Face Compression Algorithm, NZ Herald, 2020.
TALK: Financial Modelling for Early-stage Deep Tech Companies, MacDiarmid Institute and Return On Science, 2020.
SUBMISSION: Government Algorithm Charter, StatsNZ Submission, Newsroom, 2019/2020.
COMMENT: New Zealand Police and Clearview, Newsroom, RNZ, RNZ The Panel, TVNZ, 2020.
SUBMISSION: Countering Violent Extremist Content Online, DIA Submission, Stuff, 2019-2020.

TALK: Evaluating Commercial Potential, MacDiarmid Institute Annual Symposium, 2019.
TALK: Idea Articulation, Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, 2019.
TALK: Future of Work, MacDiarmid Institute Alumni Event, 2019.
TALK: Commercial Data Collection / Surveillance, COMMS208 Guest Lecture, University of Auckland, 2019.
COMMENT: Auckland Transport's $4.5m plan could mean 8000 cameras watching the city, Radio New Zealand, 2019. [Interview Audio]
TALK: Towards Practical and Ethical Smart Video Analytics, Festival of Doubt, Victoria University of Wellington, 2019.
TALK: Protecting Privacy by Blocking the Creepy Human Factor, Office of the Privacy Commissioner (NZ), 2019.
TALK: Privacy-Affirming Architectures and Cameras, Lunch and Learn, Auror, 2019.
TALK: Privacy-Affirming Video Analytics and Camera Surveillance, Lunchtime Talk, ESR (Institute of Environmental Science and Research), 2018.
SUBMISSION: Algorithmic Bias and Discrimination and Source Code, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Round 24 Meeting, 2018.
TALK: Protecting Privacy Rights through Trade Agreements, Alternative and Progressive Trade Hui, 2018.
TALK: Science Communication, Chiasma Chats, University of Auckland, 2018.
TALK: New boundaries of camera-based surveillance, Office of the Privacy Commissioner's PrivacyLive Seminar Series, 2018. [YouTube]
TALK: "I'm looking at you buddy! Yes, Big Brother is everywhere", Raising the Bar Auckland, 2018. [SoundCloud]
COMMENT: Privacy and Surveillance, for Ready, Steady, Learn on 95bFM, 2018.
TALK: Data Privacy, with Ryan Kurte and Ben Tan, for the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor's Science Policy Exchange, 2018. [Slides]
SUBMISSION: Submission on the Privacy Bill (2018).
SUBMISSION: Fire Awareness and Intervention Programme (FAIP) Online Booklets, Fire and Emergency Services New Zealand, 2018. REPORT: A Technology Assessment Framework for New Zealand, with Guy Collier, Ryan Kurte, Jerome Ng, and Ben Tan, for the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor's Science Policy Exchange, 2017.
BOOK: The Language of Immigration, a chapter in Fair Borders? Migration Policy in the Twenty-First Century, David Hall (ed), BWB Texts, 2017.
 - An edited extract featured in The Spinoff
 - An interview about some of the concepts in the chapter with Q+A (TVNZ)
 - Panel talks as part of the Festival of Cultures, hosted by the Palmerston North Central Library + PNGHS
 - A breakout session at the NZ Educational Administration and Leadership Society 2018 annual conference [Slides]
 - Panel talks as part of the BWB Winter Talk series, hosted at the Royal Society of New Zealand + Wellington College + Auckland University of Technology
TALK: Politics and the polls, a panel discussion at the University of Auckland Faculty of Arts, October 2017
BLOG: Mashed Calculus and Differential Potatoes (Politics, Statistics, Bikes), 2014-
 - Including our A Policy A Day series, in 2014 and 2017
ARTICLE: Young People, Civics, and Political Literacy at The Briefing Papers (AUT), 2016.
BLOG: The Co-op (Politics), 2015-2016
BLOG: Chips of New Zealand (Chips), 2015-2016
ARTICLE: Solving the World's Most Pressing Problems (about Diplomacy Competition) at Education Gazette (MinEdu), 2014.
Current Research Projects
Digital Technologies for Contact Tracing, a project looking at digital technology approaches around the world in response to COVID-19, particularly in terms of fragmentation and effects on usability/voluntary uptake.
 - Member of the Social Science Research Council's Public Health, Surveillance, and Human Rights Network
 - Member of the UoA Faculty of Arts Pandemics Hub: Past, Present, and Future
 - Contributing to discusison with policymakers from Ministry of Health and Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on digital contact tracing efforts in NZ
 - Evaluating the effectiveness of digital contact tracing, and uptake by the public health sector, in collaboration with researchers from University of Otago
The Algorithm Charter and operationalisation of values in government agencies

Past Research Projects
The Hidden Humans in AI: An Investigation into Forms of Labour Exploitation in Artificial Intelligence Applications, funded by the University of Auckland Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund
Police use of Emergent Technologies and Social License (see this article for a primer)
 - Commissioned with Dr. Nessa Lynch to provide analysis and recommendations on current and future uses of facial recognition technologies by police [Report]
 - including talks for BNZ, NZ Forensic Science Society
INGSA Evidence-to-Policy Tracker, a project to record policy interventions in response to COVID-19 around the world and the evidence/justification behind those interventions.
INGSA Societal Resilience Project, a project to understand the factors that influence societal resilience and how they interact with each other, in countries around the world.

Public Policy Engagement
NZ Police Expert Panel on Emergent Technologies (EPET), 2022-2023
Public Advisory Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control (PACDAC), 2022-2023
Department of Internal Affairs Long-Term Insights Briefing, 2021-2022
NZ Police Facial Recognition Technology Review, April-December 2021
MBIE Data Science Review Board independent member, November 2020-September 2023
Informal advice to Ministry of Health on digital contact tracing, May 2020-February 2022

Workshops and Research Groups
GESDA/INGSA Case Study on Quantum Computing Governance, 2022
Veracity Technology Mission, Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge, September-November 2020
Facial Recognition Technology in New Zealand: Developing a Legal and Ethical Framework Workshop, Victoria University of Wellington, October 2019
Data Ethics Workshop, Te Pūnaha Matatini, September 2019
Rangatahi Mission Lab, Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge, April 2019

Grant Assessment
MBIE Endeavour Fund, 2022-2023
Rangatahi Bolt-On Projects, Science for Technological Innovation National (SfTI) Science Challenge, 2022
Ending with Impact Projects, Science for Technological Innovation National (SfTI) Science Challenge, 2022
COVID-19 Innovation Acceleration Fund, MBIE, 2020
Smart Ideas and Commercialisation Funding, MacDiarmid Institute, 2020-2022

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, 2015-2018 [COMPSYS201, COMPSYS302, ELECTENG209]
Course Design for COMPSYS201, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, 2015-2018
Course Design for COMPSYS302, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, 2013-2018
Course Design for COMPSYS701, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, 2013-2014
Teaching Assistant, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, 2012-2014 [COMPSYS302, COMPSYS701, COMPSYS704, ELECTENG209]
Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland, 2011 [MECHENG223]

Summer Research Supervisor for seven undergraduate students, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2018-2019
Summer Research Supervisor for four undergraduate students + assistant for two others, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017-2018
Part IV Project Technical Supervisor for three projects, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017
Summer Research Supervisor for six undergraduate students, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2016-2017

Kupe Leadership Scholarship, 2022
Chiasma, 2020-2021
UN Youth New Zealand, 2019 + 2022

Academic Service
Reviewer for the Intl. Conf. on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE) 2023
Reviewer for the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signals-based Surveillance (AVSS) 2022
Reviewer for the New Zealand Universities Law Review, 2022
Reviewer for the Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI) 2022, and Special Track on AI for Good
Reviewer for the Intl. Conf. on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligence (IEA/AIE) 2022
Reviewer for the Asian Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ACPR) 2021
Reviewer for the Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2021
Reviewer for the Intl. Conf. on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE) 2021
Reviewer for the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signals-based Surveillance (AVSS) 2019
Web Chair for the Asian Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ACPR) 2019
Reviewer for the Intl. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV) 2018
Web Chair and Reviewer for the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signals-based Surveillance (AVSS) 2018
Web Chair and Reviewer for the IEEE CyberSciTech Congress, 2017 and 2018, Reviewer in 2019

Research Assistantships
Research Assistant, Industrial Informatics and Robotics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, 2015
Research Assistant, Innovation Communities Project, Management and International Business, University of Auckland, 2015
InternetNZ, Fellow (Life Member appointed in 2022)
New Zealand Youth Global Awareness Trust, Trustee and Chairperson, 2017-2023
Royal Society of New Zealand, Member
Privacy Foundation, Member
CABLE Research Impact Award (Top Category), University of Auckland, 2021
Vice-Chancellor's Prize for Best Doctoral Thesis, University of Auckland, 2019
Students' Choice Top Teacher Awards (Top 15), Faculty of Engineering, University of Auckland, 2018
1st Place, Oral Presentation, Exposure Postgraduate Research Exposition, University of Auckland, 2018 [Video]
Best Paper awards at ICCAR 2016 and IVCNZ 2017
3 Minute Thesis Doctoral Finalist, University of Auckland, 2016
Best Teaching Assistant (based on student voting), ECE Department, University of Auckland, 2016
University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship, 2015
3x First in Course Awards, University of Auckland
Wysocki-Bates Award for outstanding contribution to youth involvement, UN Youth NZ, 2013 and 2014
Best Project, Embedded Systems Category, Part IV Projects, ECE Department, University of Auckland, 2013
2nd Place at VEX Robotics World Championship, College (University) Division, 2012
Volunteer of the Year Award, Kiwibots, 2012